Two week Immune Boost - Putting it all together to stay strong

To boost immune, you need your intestines working well . If you are experience gas, bloating or reflux after eating, supplement your enzymes Reduce excess: Sugar, Dairy Products, Carbs Stay away from fruits until the immune challenge is resolved . Proteins 25%, Green Veggies 75% Increase green veggies , whole foods Eat Complete Proteins (do a google search on complete protein combinations) Plant/ Whole Food Based Vitamins in the morning (double up when immune is challenged) Plenty of Vitamin C Plant/ Whole Food Based Minerals at bed Essential Fatty Acids take anytime but might assist minerals better if taken together Drink clean water (reverse osmosis if possible, without added minerals) A strong multi-strain Probiotic taken in the morning on empty stomach 2 min before eating is a good rule Fermentable Fiber taken at beginning of first meal like fresh raw sauerkraut or Kim Chee with active cultures Use a Q-tip and squeeze off a drop of Extra Virgin Olive Oil ...