Two week Immune Boost - Putting it all together to stay strong

To boost immune, you need your intestines working well.
If you are experience gas, bloating or reflux after eating, supplement your enzymes
Reduce excess: Sugar, Dairy Products, Carbs
Stay away from fruits until the immune challenge is resolved.
Proteins 25%, Green Veggies 75%
Increase green veggies, whole foods
Eat Complete Proteins (do a google search on complete protein combinations)
Plant/Whole Food Based Vitamins in the morning (double up when immune is challenged)
Plenty of Vitamin C
Plant/Whole Food Based Minerals at bed
Essential Fatty Acids take anytime but might assist minerals better if taken together
Drink clean water (reverse osmosis if possible, without added minerals)
A strong multi-strain Probiotic taken in the morning on empty stomach 2 min before eating is a good rule
Fermentable Fiber taken at beginning of first meal like fresh raw sauerkraut or Kim Chee with active cultures

Use a Q-tip and squeeze off a drop of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in your ears and allow to drain inside. This helps keep airborne attackers from entering through the ears.

If you are experiencing headaches, try to make sure you are drinking enough water (1 oz per lb of body weight per day is a guide) because you may be detoxing but not able to get the toxins out fast enough and water helps with that.
Green Tea, milk thistle (an herbal tincture) might help with detoxing as well
2-3 drops of Lugol Iodine 2% in a glass of water per day during immune challenge or active virus
Keep your mind positive and imagine you already have immunity. Stress, causes the body to weaken and could make you more vulnerable.

Wash hands frequently, social distancing etc. are always a good rule during flu season.

See your local acupuncturist for weekly treatments during immune challenges and monthly  or seasonally to keep immune system strong. Acupuncture is fantastic for strengthening immune and balancing hormones.

If experiencing symptoms here are some self-help suggestions to try, so you do not get worse.
Immediately multiply daily multi-vitamins by at least 4 times, taking throughout the day.
2-3 drops of lugol 2% iodine in glass of water

Don't overeat when you are sick, never eat any sugar, partake in simple carbs, or stimulants like coffee, sip on nourishing liquid soup or bone broth soup so you are not overtaking the body with food. This gives the body more energy to get rid of the invader. Chicken soup is found to be great for symptoms and with added garlic, rosemary and thyme is said to have medicinal qualities so worth a try. Here is a good article about chicken soup:

Gently rub your ears wherever they feel sore or tender. The ears are a micro-system full of acupuncture points relating to every part of the body.

If you have a netty pot you might want to stock up on the packets for correct mixing. When you have the first signs of sore throat or congestion, immediately flush nasal cavities.

Stay away from electronic devices. They put off EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) that disrupt the bodies energy and and interrupt recovery.

If your fever rises exponentially, you could consider ice bath or ice packs to reduce the fever but a fever is your bodies was of fighting an attacker. Some people like to sweat out a low grade fever by covering their body and head until they break a sweat to break a fever. The sooner you catch the fever the better. If you are having chills and fevers, your body is going back and forth trying to fight the virus. So this is the best time to recover and sweat it out.

Make certain your bowels are moving naturally so your body can eliminate toxins but try not to over stimulate elimination, it can pull a virus you are fighting farther into the body rather than releasing it.

Sleep and stay hydrated.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, RM


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