Save yourself, Save the world - 2 Weeks to a Better Immune System

Imagine a world without these crazy viruses...

I recommend this to everyone in the entire world right now, to stop the corona and the "offspring" in their tracks and teach our bodies how to get and stay healthy quickly. We all have 2 weeks to complete starting today. This would also apply to any future pandemics, because if we don't get it right this year, most likely, we will be revisiting this same scenario next year again...

Short Answer...2 week Elimination Diet (bonus: if you do it right you will drop 10 lbs every 2 weeks should you continue, have more energy, less pain and inflammation, less puffiness and sleep better)

Whats Allowed: Green Veggies and Proteins (75% to 25% ratio)

What's NOT Allowed: no sugar, no dairy, no legumes (nuts etc), no sweet veggies like carrots/beets, NO FRUIT, no alcohol, no stimulants, no foods that give you digestive issues like gas, bloating or heartburn.

Yes, I said no alcohol! Let's face it, if you cannot abstain from alcohol for 2 weeks, you have a bigger problem than your immune system and you might need to address it. This would be a good diet to start since it cleans up your system so the withdrawal will be easier after the 3rd day. The first 2-3 days you will have to get through. I have patients that have done it in the past and are for the better because of it. Take control of your health in 2 weeks. Consider that if you don't do it now, in 2 weeks... you will be the same as you are now...with a compromised immune system.

I personally do this diet 2 times a year, in the spring and again in the fall. The first time it was challenging the first 3 days. Consequent times I have done it, it has been pretty easy as long as I have the foods I can eat easily available. It is easier to do when you are staying home but I have done also when I had to eat out every day. So I know it can be done either way and I will tell you how I did it.

Other things required: Whole Food Multi-Vitamin (I recommend Catalyn from Standard Process), Whole Food Multi-Mineral (Standard Process has several to choose from and I can guide you which would be best for you), Good pro/prebiotic like Zymex from Standard Process, Bentonite Clay Drink  Desensitization technique every other day. Most people also required a certain type of Essential Fatty Acid because they cannot process fatty acids in their original form. Please contact me if you want details to do this diet correctly because if you mess it up, you have to start your 2 weeks over :(

Long Answer including the "why" is coming up in the next Blog. Subscribe so you don't miss it.

NOTE: This is information I have gathered over 7 years of formal education, along with research I have conducted for the past 20 years to help my patients.  Some of this information you will not find anywhere else. My ability to make connections between new world medicine and old world medicine has prepared me to pass this valuable information on to you in an easy to understand format.

Please...Tell others about this blog so they also can benefit as well (we will all benefit if we follow through on this). We can change the future health of the world in just 2 weeks if we all work together. Following this diet with your family will teach future generations the correct way to build immunity in their bodies.

WARNING: I need to put a disclaimer for those under doctors care to consult their doctors before starting any diet, but frankly, what we have been doing to our health by pushing medical doctors to prescribe drugs for immediate relief is what has contributed to where we are today. I am required to direct you to your medical doctor first and foremost however, that is the law. Keep in mind that Medical Doctors are minimally trained in food therapy and nutritional health (unlike alternative therapist who specialize in these). Their expertise is prescription medicine and bio-chemical processing and they are currently overwhelmed. I urge you to use your best judgement in any case.

I DO want to give a big shout out to all the medical doctors and nurses for their tireless effort and energy toward helping us out of this predicament with the tools they have, but I fear it will not be enough. I think we all know that hand washing and distancing is not enough if every single human on the planet is not cooperating, so immune boosting is the missing key to make it all work together.

Food and exercise are easy, basically harmless and uncomplicated, but we continue to look to drugs for immediate relief and the doctors have complied because they feel obligated, they feel they are helping, and it is a rewarding and lucrative business to be in. It is also how the healthcare system is set up right now....This is not the ultimate answer to good health and immunity however, and the proof is in our current circumstances. We are each personally in control of our own health and this is the time to take control for the future of our race.


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