Immunity Testing?

If you don’t know much about me you could read this first before you go further.

As most of my patients know already, I am not your average Acupuncturist. I starting using Muscle Testing 10+ years ago. I have taken several courses on Muscle Testing (layman’s term for Speiclaized Applied / Applied Kinesiology: Touch for Health (several courses with 2 different instructors), Body Talk, NET (NeuroEmotional Technique which utilizes what they call Specialized Kinesiology), NRT (Nutrition Response Technique which also utilizes what they call Specialized Kinesiology) and Applied Kinesiology (college course).

I began using Remote Muscle Testing on some of my patients who were more open to alternative therapies and now a days I muscle test most all of my patients before their appointments and work with patients over the phone/internet recoding emotions, assessing health and nutrition, etc. Some patients are skeptical at first, but once they experience the results, they are on-board with following what shows up in the scan.

I now practice in 2 different states and muscle test patients when I am away for patients that are looking for answers or want guidance.

In my Remote Muscle Testing, which I call  “Health Scans”,  part of the testing I do include stressors (considered electrical interruptors) some of which are: allergies, bacteria, virus, fungus, candida/yeast, heavy metals, chemicals, radiation and emotions. 

In light of the current pandemic, I started muscle testing my antibodies for current viruses along with my patients and found that myself and all my current patients showed immunity.

Most of my patients said they did not remember being sick, but on further probing, admitted they had felt either extremely worn down at one point or felt like their bodies were fighting something, some had an odd headache etc. but they never got sick or felt flu like. Almost all of of them had gone through something however before the wave of news of the virus hit. 

For this reason, I believe the virus had been active for quite some time before it hit the news and there are probably quite a few people who have already developed immunity to the current strains. I only had one female patient back then, age 23 that presented with flu like symptoms. She came to me after 2 weeks of having flu symptoms, extremely depleted, weak and fragile looking, her voice was very weak, fever, chills, noise bothered her, heavy congestion, everything you would expect from the flu. I performed muscle testing before she arrived. She only showed chemical toxicity however. I treated her for chemical toxicity and she was up walk around the very next day. 

Since most of my patients have regular acupuncture treatment, their immune systems are probably better than most, so that may be why they had little to no response to the viruses. 

Acupuncture has been shown to have an amazing ability to increase immunity and also there are acupuncture techniques which can help patients recover quickly from respiratory issues and I would highly advise patients to seek out acupuncture to boost immunity. Also most of my patients are on a nutrition regimen for support. 

After being home for about 10 days straight, I decided to head out and walk on a trail near where I live. I decided to entertain myself with muscle testing people as they walked by for antibodies, to the current known viruses, active viruses and people with no antibodies. During my walk I passed over 50 people who all showed antibodies except a family of 6 walking together, and 2 other people. No one showed an active virus

I believe many people feel stress under the close-down and worried about catching or spreading the viruses to family members who have not yet been exposed. It might be nice for them to be able to be tested for immunity. 

I believe there could be a blood test that would show immunity but under the current medical emergency and overstressed medical system, it is probably not an option but it would be nice to have an idea that the people who are still in the workforce, delivering, treating, preparing food etc do not have an active virus or better yet, have already developed immunity to current viruses. It would also allow tested individuals to get back to work, so our country can get back on track.

I would offer to remote muscle test anyone looking for guidance but I don’t want to mislead people to believe this is a completely definitive answer. It is to ease your mind only. Since the virus is able to create new strains, nothing is failsafe these days except building immunity being the key, along with washing hands frequently and social distancing in general to prevent spread. I would suggest to the reader to take a Sublingual Vitamin C, get some Sunlight (to increase your D3) which would also help along with a plant based multi-vitamin and multi-mineral.

If you think muscle testing your immunity would ease your mind, please feel free to reach out. There is no charge for immunity muscle testing during the pandemic as long as you understand it does not give you permission to not follow the current guidelines the government has laid out.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, Reiki Master | |


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