Two week Immune Boost - Survival of the Fittest Part 2: GUT

~Please read "Two week Immune Boost - Survival of the Fittest Part 1: Enzymes" first ~

Cultivate your Intestinal Garden for better immune.

The small intestine (GUT) is your main vehicle to control the immune so you need to build it up and keep it strong and functioning properly.

When enzymes aren't working the way they should, food doesn't get processed, ending up in the small intestine (gut) partially digested. Unfortunately, the small intestine does not have the ability to actually digest food. It's main job is to separate the liquid from the digested / processed / emulsified food (called chyme). The result is less nutrients are transported back to the body for rebuilding. Also the undigested food starts to rot, creating a poor toxic environment. This poor environment makes a great opportunity for bad bacteria to grow and eventually take over your intestinal "garden". This can lead to things like diarrhea, constipation, fluctuating bowel movements, foul odor, difficult to pass, balls or skinny pieces, straining etc. rather than healthy formed bowel movements. Along with that, it will weaken your immune system / and weaken your body by not nourishing it.

I compare the intestines to a garden because most people can relate. You need good ground material/soil (flora) to grow flowers, otherwise weeds (bad bacteria) start taking over. Throwing a small troupe of probiotic (good bacteria) into an army of bad guys (weeds/bad bacteria) won't cause much change in the environment. To undermine the bad army, you need to change the ground material to support flowers not weeds.

If your garden is full of weeds, you might need to start by doing something simple. Taking prebiotic material would help. I have some of my patients start by taking a forkful of fresh sauerkraut (the kind you find in the refrigerated section) or kimchee (the kind you find in your local asian shop with active cultures)  in the morning with their probiotic. It helps start changing the environment to support flowers (good bacterial) so now when you put a probiotic in, it can propagate and win against the bad guys.

In the meantime, enzymes need to be introduced to get the food emulsified before it hits the small intestine. essential fatty acids which are precursors to breaking down minerals. This can lead to undigested fats which clog up the gallbladder / fatty liver, poor bowel movements and mineral deficiencies.
Many of my patients have trouble breaking down

More about minerals in the next post.

If you want to get started sooner rather than later on the two week immune boost diet, contact me directly: and let me know how you found me.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, Esth., Reiki Master


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