
Are You Ingesting Heavy Metals??

  Iron "filings" used in the food industry,  instead of organic iron from a plant?  Yep, that's a thing!   Gluten may be popular to blame for health issues like leaky gut   but  iron filings are the real culprit. The shocking truth....Cooking in an iron skillet...that is not the form of iron your body can use. Consider that as you cook, your metal utensils scratch the surface of the skillet....where does that iron go that you just scratched off???? your food???  Hmmmm, food for thought ;) Stop ingesting heavy metals...heal your gut, heal your brain, heal your body!!! Check out this YouTube video with Dr Thomas E Levy, MD (the Vitamin C guy)

Cramping, Spasms and Tremors have one thing in common...

...Lack of electron exchange. Electrons are made up of many different organic minerals which come from food, converted in the body and combined with water, they hydrate the body. Dehydration is lack of minerals and / or water or both. If you don’t replenish the minerals that are consistently being depleted by physical, mental or emotional activity, your body is becoming depleted and the body has to steal the materials it needs to open the “gate”, from your bones to keep the heart pumping, the muscles contracting, the neurons firing in the brain, the endocrine, respiratory and digestive systems working. When the bones run low on minerals (i.e.osteopenia then osteoporosis) the body’s other processes suffer and cramping etc start happening. The cure is not a banana or magnesium etc lol, that is temporary. The solution lies in the digestion. That’s it in a nutshell If you want to learn more or start to reverse aging, please schedule an online live virtual teledoc appointment or a phone cal

Papaya / Banana Pudding - Good for the Gut (and so much more) !

Even as health therapist, we can run into health issues. Recently, I had been having some digestive issues and I have been trying all the things I could think of to no avail. I knew I was missing something so being a good Chinese Medical Therapist, I sought out another Chinese Medical Therapist who just happen to also be a food therapy geek, like me, and told me about his Papaya and Banana smoothie. I went home and blended up 1/2 of large papaya (with the seeds) and a whole banana in my 3 HP Blender which made a nice pudding. BTW, you DO want to eat this on an empty stomach, you do not want to blend it until it is warm or it might damage the enzymes. Blend just enough to make it creamy and break up the seeds a bit. Also do not add or drink water with or after. This Papaya seeds are a bit spicy so only add a few if "spicy" is not your thing...I used most of the seeds and loved the spicy kick. Also the seeds have so many benefits you HAVE to include some :) You can always learn

Dandelions ...much more than just a bouquet for Mom!

In most parts of the country, as your lawn greens, it also turns yellow—yellow with dandelions. For such a beautiful flower, dandelions can cause a lot of homeowners dread. But did you know that your lawn’s enemy is your health’s ally? Dandelions are a great source of nutrition, but few people eat them. Dandelions have been a central herb for Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM) for thousands of years.   As a kid I loved picking dandelions and make a bouquet for my mom as they popped up in the neighbors grass. We would sneak over, trying not to be noticed, because the neighbor liked to yell at us for being on her lawn LOL. It never stopped me however. Then, later in life I met a family that made dandelion wine! Who knew you could eat I make tea... Native to the Mediterranean, this incredible flower’s medicinal qualities were also known to the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. Originally, these groups found dandelions to be beneficial for ailments including fevers,

Are We Heading in the Right Direction?

Now that things are starting to open up again, I found that a little hopeful for business and the human race, but with all the new guidelines it is a bit overwhelming. In my profession, we are trained to use general precautions, hand washing, masks as needed, disinfecting, sanitizing and sterilizing of tools and surfaces but they are going beyond that requiring aprons, suggesting gloves, face masks for all therapies, and not allowing pump dispensers for lotions? etc. which might make some sense however, seems a little overboard. If we are going into that small of a detail, there are many other things that should be considered also, like only working in a sterile room (not really practical either) ... I'd decided to move forward and go along with the reasonable precautions, but then I started to think we might be heading in the wrong direction...Most people who are listening to the fear-based news probably do not truly understand about how viruses and our immune system works,

Intuitive Health Scans - The Future is Now!

It’s hard to recall now, when I began “scanning” people. In the beginning, I would envision the person as a blank slate, like a greyed-out silhouette figure. I would watch as a horizontal line would move down (scan) the body from the top of their head to the feet. I would notice at various points the line would have a blip on the scan line and over time started to see a pattern in the meaning. Each color meant something different and was discovered to be related to either something physical or emotional. While I was in Oriental Medical School, I studied various forms of muscle testing including Touch for Health, Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), and Nutritional Response Technique (NRT). I took a few courses from the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) and eventually, I went on to study college course of Applied Kinesiology (AK).   Over time, I developed a system to tes

What are those brown "age" spots?

Several years ago while going through a heavy metal detox, I notice that the dark spots that had been popping up on my skin all over my face, arms, chest, even my hands...started disappearing. After contemplating the results and doing some research I came to the conclusion that an over abundance of heavy metal is one of the main reasons for what we call brown "age" spots. Recently, when doing another heavy metal detox which, I do more often now, I noticed a new brown spot developing on my face..I took a close look in my 20x magnification mirror to find there was a little black pointed thing poking out of the center of it...with the tweezers I pulled out what I thought might be a new hair only to discover it was a little metal splinter....OMG I was right, Dah! There are other benefits as well... like reducing or eliminating cellulite! WHAAAT? From my research, I determined that cellulite (bumpy fatty deposits that collect commonly under the skin on the back many wome