Are We Heading in the Right Direction?

Now that things are starting to open up again, I found that a little hopeful for business and the human race, but with all the new guidelines it is a bit overwhelming.

In my profession, we are trained to use general precautions, hand washing, masks as needed, disinfecting, sanitizing and sterilizing of tools and surfaces but they are going beyond that requiring aprons, suggesting gloves, face masks for all therapies, and not allowing pump dispensers for lotions? etc. which might make some sense however, seems a little overboard. If we are going into that small of a detail, there are many other things that should be considered also, like only working in a sterile room (not really practical either) ...

I'd decided to move forward and go along with the reasonable precautions, but then I started to think we might be heading in the wrong direction...Most people who are listening to the fear-based news probably do not truly understand about how viruses and our immune system works, but the professionals should, so why are we having all these exaggerated precautions being supported in the industry.

We want patients and clients to feel safe but how safe do you think they will be feeling if you greet them in basically a sudo hazmat outfit? Ok, that might be an exaggeration LOL. I know if I showed up for a massage and the therapist had a mask or shield, goggles, disposable apron, gloves on and was trying to use lotion in awkward little cups, then they had to keep stopping to wash their hands after itching their face caused by the perspiration as a result of the heat of face mask. It would make for a very uncomfortable massage and I would probably pass on coming back.

I think as health care professionals, we should be building up peoples confidence with knowledge and immune boosting therapies. We are the experts. We are also the essential workers when it comes to decreasing stress and building immune. However, I do not hear much on the news or publicized about immune boosting considerations. Most of the guidelines are speaking to the fear and isolating rather than calming the fear and putting tools in the hands of patients/clients to build a stronger defense against things like viruses and bacteria etc.

Viruses in all reality according to those microbiology courses we all took in med school will never go away because they mutate. The next time it comes around it is always going to be worse than the last. They pass between people which boosts our immune for the next virus...has something changed in the theory and study of microbiology? Viruses are kind of stealth as they pass to others when the carrier has no symptoms, just like the common cold. By the time the fever hits it is a bit late. The virus, in general, has been active in their system for about a week. Our immune system develops antibodies to fight off the virus. We fall a little sick each time. When our bodies are strong and healthy, the symptoms are minimal and we barely notice it but other times, when our body is run down, we have more symptoms.

Wearing masks and inhaling our own exhaust is not really something I prefer to do hour after hour while working. I got into this profession to help people with their health and also to stay healthy myself. Consistent mask wearing goes against everything I believe is good for me. It also makes me more vulnerable, which I am not looking forward to.

We may be looking at this virus all wrong. I think we should go back to basics.

I have watched our expert Dr Fauci talk since the beginning and all the while wondering what his line of thinking was. At first, maybe it made sense to isolate, but now that the hot spots are more under control, I think we need to actually go back to normal to save our immune systems. The next round is coming and all those people who that have not gotten the virus already will have a harder time. You actually should want to be exposed to it from everything I have learned. But you also want to have your immune system built up before that.

I think asking the majority of society to wear masks will be the downfall to our immune system. Basic hand washing, staying home if you don't feel well, all make sense along with precautions that had been in place for many years. I also like that things are cleaned more than usual, organic biofilms on surfaces which last weeks or months makes sense along with UVC light cleaning.

Touch is important to basic human life. I once had an elderly client that came for a regular massage and one day she told me she did that because no one ever touched her anymore. She lived alone for many years after her husband passed and was without much family.  Blowing kisses from 6 feet away is not the same. We are all humans. We are all essential, we need touch, we need to share experiences together. I think it is against human nature to be continually isolated or with the same group of people. We need to expand and continue to grow in experience and with other humans.

Right now, it feels like the fearful people are overriding all good decision-making which in turn take away a lot of our human rights. How long will these precautions be in place? Will there be more and more restrictions until we are not able to function in our jobs?

I wish the governing bodies and boards would go back and open their medical microbiology book and reconsider the stringent guidelines. For the sake of those of us who serve so many and want to get back to the work we love within reasonable guidelines.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, L. Esth, RM


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