What are those brown "age" spots?

Several years ago while going through a heavy metal detox, I notice that the dark spots that had been popping up on my skin all over my face, arms, chest, even my hands...started disappearing.

After contemplating the results and doing some research I came to the conclusion that an over abundance of heavy metal is one of the main reasons for what we call brown "age" spots.

Recently, when doing another heavy metal detox which, I do more often now, I noticed a new brown spot developing on my face..I took a close look in my 20x magnification mirror to find there was a little black pointed thing poking out of the center of it...with the tweezers I pulled out what I thought might be a new hair only to discover it was a little metal splinter....OMG I was right, Dah!

There are other benefits as well... like reducing or eliminating cellulite! WHAAAT?

From my research, I determined that cellulite (bumpy fatty deposits that collect commonly under the skin on the back many women's legs) is actually heavy metal encapsulated by fat. The fat is thought to protect the body from freely moving heavy metals.

During one of my metal detoxes, after taking my first clay bath of the detox, I slowly drained the tub. I usually scoop up the clay with paper towels to prevent all of the clay from getting into the plumbing. Much to my surprise when wiping up the tub, the clay which is usually grey and slimy when wet, looked black. As I started wiping the clay I found it was making a scratching sound as I scooped it up. Testing the clay with my fingers I discovered it was sharp / spike....The clay had drawn out the metals from my skin! After 3 weeks of detoxing, I ended up with smooth skin on the backs of my legs... no cellulite...SERIOUSLY! Another cool benefit of doing a heavy metal detox correctly.

From my experience being mineral deficient, also makes your body hold on to heavy metals. The body does not really have a good vehicle to release heavy metals. This is why it stores them all over the body like inside the white fat of the body.

I like to attack heavy metals from all angles so not cause more issues inside the body once released. I generally use a variety of products to detox heavy metals like homeopathic formulas, nutrition support, multi-minerals along with clay baths and a few other things, depending on what I determine will work best each time.

Unfortunately popular topical treatments are very temporary and superficial because the issue is inside the body, but combined with an all inclusive heavy metal detox program

If you want me to design a program to help you detox heavy metals, let me know. You will love the results!

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, Esth, RM


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