Intuitive Health Scans - The Future is Now!

It’s hard to recall now, when I began “scanning” people. In the beginning, I would envision the person as a blank slate, like a greyed-out silhouette figure. I would watch as a horizontal line would move down (scan) the body from the top of their head to the feet. I would notice at various points the line would have a blip on the scan line and over time started to see a pattern in the meaning. Each color meant something different and was discovered to be related to either something physical or emotional.

While I was in Oriental Medical School, I studied various forms of muscle testing including Touch for Health, Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), and Nutritional Response Technique (NRT). I took a few courses from the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) and eventually, I went on to study college course of Applied Kinesiology (AK). 

Over time, I developed a system to test patients remotely by connecting with patients energetically using a Reiki long distance technique. Flash forward, that scan line system all seems like so old-school LOL....

I now remotely test most every patient before or during treatment. I work remotely from my office half the year but continue to work with my established patients. I scan organs, systems, stressors, similar to when using NRT/NET. Also I test chakras, auric fields, axialtonal alignment etc. The blockages I find, I compare to patient intakes or complaints, which give me an overall view of what might be happening and how to address. In the past, this testing has brought to light things that patients nor their doctors had been aware of. 

I then give the patients options how they might want to address the issue which could be nutritional, homeopathy, Acupuncture, manual therapy or other technique. Because this type of testing can uncover subclinical energetic blockages, not generally discovered with conventional medical tests or scans, often times patients can avoid a serious complication down the road. It can also bring to light what is brushed aside by the mainstream system. Remote muscle testing might help expose answers not easily explored by mainstream medicine as well. 

If you are struggling to find answers, this might be something you would consider. I recommend weekly remote testing until the issue is resolved then several monthly or quarter remote tests to adjust treatment for continued progress or maintain health.

I can conduct a remote scan over the phone or internet from anywhere in the world. 
Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, L.Esth., RM


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