Migraine Headaches - there are solutions

Migraine Headaches - seems everyone is getting them lately, at least I have been hearing about it lately, more then ever...

I was plagued with Migraines for years. My mother had Migraines also. In those days, no one knew what they were and they were thinking to have her put in a care facility. She had to give up her job at the time because, they were so debilitating and she couldn't function.

Some nice doctor found info on the subject and gave her caffeine pills, which worked for a while but basically, they told her she had to learn to reduce her stress. (a little tough with a full time job, and 4 kids running around the house, she was quite the super-mom).

I started getting Migraines when I went away to college, once they came on, it was 3 days before I was normal again (actually on the 3rd day I was almost euphoric, I thought from the relief).

Now, I feel like I know so much about Migraine Headaches it is ridiculous! And I am always looking for more info to add (must be my A-type personality)

Try to see it as a build up of toxins (over years of things like fluoride, chlorine in the water and cleaning supplies, pesticides in the food and the list goes on and on) that the body cannot get rid of. Imagine this begins to overflow into the rest of the body (because the body is too busy getting rid of the other stuff we dump in like deep fried foods, not to mention all the sugar we ingest). Well it has to go somewhere, too many toxins create stress and stress has been found to be one of the factors related to bringing on migraines (there are usually 3 factors that need to be present to bring about a Migraine). Stress is multidimensional: physical (due to chemical toxins, allergens, metal toxicity, even scars!) mental, & emotional. If your physical body is more balanced, and can handle what you put into it, you can better handle the mental or emotional issues.

There is great success with Migraine patients utilizing nutrition. For patients interested in nutrition, I use a technique to scan the body, determine where things are off and I also scan to find what your particular body needs to balance it out and make it work the way it should. Fascinating to see the results and it can address nearly any issue.

So if you are getting headaches, or migraine headache, don't give up, keep looking. It has been 3 years since I had one (and I am not taking meds). At one point in time, I used to get them daily when I did not have medication. There is hope on the horizon! Take time to heal.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, Esth / contact@get-relief.com / www.get-relief.com
Reposted from my old healthyhumanonline blog: Jan 27, 2008


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