Acupuncture Demonstrations

I am finding that people, in general, are a bit mystified by Acupuncture. They are not sure what it really is, what it does, if it hurts (or how it can be possible that it does not hurt, since the word "needles" are involved) and have never experience it or even know how to find someone who does it.
Basically, I find, people never start looking for Acupuncture, until they have tried everything else. Which is why I started offering Acupuncture Demonstrations to small groups in the area: to spread the word, so to speak.

Acupuncture is so good for so many things, it is my hope that people will consider Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine before considering prescription drugs. The "Less is More" approach.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT, Esth / /
Reposted from my old healthyhumanonline blog: Jan 30, 2008


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