Why do Airlines load the first seats first? Does that make any sense?

I was eating at a breakfast place today and overheard a guy going on about his upcoming surgery for cancer were they were going to take out his gallbladder and part of his liver. He was so grateful that it was going to be a short month recovery and how good the doctors were. Apparently they had been watching it grow for years and now was the time to take it out.

It struck me how the medical profession makes us so grateful to take out parts of our body. They have us believing that surgery is the best scenario. Patients seem to like the idea that everything will be alright after the surgery. How lucky they are to have such wonderful doctors, who will take their body parts, replace them with manmade parts, or not replace them at all, just restrict their diet, since they will not be able to digest once the gallbladder is gone.

It got me thinking about airlines and how they make us believe the reward of paying more, is boarding early, and then having to sit and wait inside the stuffy plane longer. Instead of having the people at the back of the plane board first, they board the front first...makes no sense to me but I am not much of a follower, LOL.

Getting back to the health care story...Would it not be more prudent to support the body, and make the cancer not want to grow? Or, make the environment so disgusting to cancer that it dissipated?

What about the knee surgeries that seem so popular these days. I see patient after patient who have gone for knee surgery, only to not have good flexibility after physical therapy. When I sight to the patient that it is a NEW knee, so it should work better than the old knee, no one seems to understand that. But they believe the physical therapist when they tell them that 30 degree flexion is all they can do for them? Does that really make any sense??

I love a challenge. I work with all types of issues, before and after surgery. Dysfunctional joints, hormone issues, weight loss or gain, intestinal and digestive issues.

I find that most patients don't know there is a difference between vitamins and minerals. They buy a multi combo (they think that is what they take) but don't really understand nutrition or when to take one or the other. Most patients also don't realize that gas and bloating is not "NORMAL". They have had it so long, they believe it is, everyone has it, right? So what if they have intermittent diarrhea? Actually the answer is no, you should not have gas, bloating, reflux, diarrhea, etc. In fact, things like gas, bloating, diarrhea, indigestion, brown spots on your skin, blurry vision, headaches etc. all are telling us that something is wrong in the body. It is the body's way to warn us to pay attention, you have a problem. Fix it soon or you'll have a bigger problem.

I work with all those things types of things. I like to education my patients, so they understand what is happening and why. We talk about how they can help themselves and how to make good choices. I teach patients to muscle test their own supplements and food choices. We talk about the human battery and what it should run at, and I help them understand things they have burning questions about.

Medical doctors really don't have time to spend with patients. MD's basically were originally for emergency issues. Prescription drugs were also for emergencies. No one stayed on prescription drugs forever back in the day. Just until they felt better. It is a big industry now, of regular visits and new medications to try, for the sore finger, the headache, bowel issues, sinus, or allergies... They even started recommending nutritional supplements (however I beg to differ on their choices and info, at least their heart is in the right place. They should probably stick to medicine, but you can't blame them for trying to tap into the nutrition market, since they already have a steady eager audience).

Everyone talks about their pain and their surgeries now-a-days, and how good their doctors are.
I would think if you had a good doctor, you would not see them very often...maybe once every 10 years or so. Of course, if you broke an arm, for sure you would need a surgeon. But this day-in-age, people will trade their natural hip/knee/shoulder, etc, for a metal one, without giving it a second thought.  And who needs a gallbladder, right?  Take out the appendix and the spleen while you're at it...don't need them either, right? Wrong! You think it was a mistake we have those organs...just spare parts? I think they do more than even the medical profession knows and we need them all. We actually need our original bone in the knee, IMO.

Ok, so you tore your meniscus...if it isn't severed completely off, you probably do not need surgery.

When it comes down to it, people really don't have information. They rely on their doctors to inform them. The doctors are overwhelmed and doing the best they can, so maybe they neglect to refer to someone who can inform them properly and answer their questions? They are so busy prescribing drugs and surgery, they probably don't have time to connect with alternative therapists. Most really do not understand alternative therapies.  So as patients, you need to be responsible, and seek out your own info, but where to find it? How do you know what to look for? How can you prevent disease and pain? Is it too late? Will you ever have relief? Is surgery really the answer? Will you really be better after surgery or more like the patients I see that are not?

I have been in the alternative health science field since 2000 doing basic Massage Therapy, then NeuroMuscular and Sport Massage. (I became a Reiki Master in 1995). In 2007, I became a licensed Acupuncturist and Oriental Medical Professional. Along the way, I learned how to work with Emotional Issues, Nutrition, and Muscle Testing. In 2018, I received my Skin Care License. Being a bit of a health care geek, I am constantly researching, updating my info, adding new techniques, and investigating new therapies. I do this for the betterment of my current and future patients. I never know who is going to come thru my door and how I can help them. I like to be ready for the oddest new medical condition that shows up. I like to be ready for the ordinary questions too. I love to inform my patients and help them, help themselves, and their family and friends.

In the next year, I plan to start producing videos about health and healing. I am hoping to help people understand what is happening with their bodies. What headaches mean. Why you get those brown spots? How to prevent knee problems and fix your back problems. Why you have cystic ache and how it relates to your digestion. Why menstrual cramps are something that you should never experience. Why you can't get pregnant. How to build up your sperm count. Things like that. I am hoping to team up with some other alternative therapists to add to our knowledge base as well. So if you are in the alternative health care field, and have something to offer, feel free to contact me. Just do a search for my name, Patricia J Ahner and Alternative Health Care.

What I need from my audience are their questions...their health concerns. If you share your health issue, surely there is someone else with the same issue, who could benefit from what I can enlighten on the subject. I have gathered a lot of knowledge over the years, and working with a variety of patients' health issues. Let's help each other and build a network of alternative health care information.

However, if you need a medical doctor, you should seek one out, but if you are not sure, you should explore alternative methods and hold onto your body parts. Information is a tool, tools empower you to make good decisions. Alternative therapies help people. I help people in my practice every day, that the medical profession gave up on. I help people that don't use MD's at all, and for 30 years have only worked with alternative therapists. I broke my arm a couple years ago in a really bad accident, and am very grateful for the medical surgeon that put it back together, but that was the first doctor I had seen, since probably 1997/1998ish.

I personally see all alternative doctors and therapists. I take whole-food nutritional supplements. I muscle test what to take every day. I try to make good food choices, but I am just like everyone else, and don't always. I am physically active, as much as I am able, but I am not a workout crazed person. I stay fairly healthy overall, and actually, have very few health issues now. Before 1997/8, I had a lot of health issues, don't get me started on that, LOL. Since I started going alternative, most everything has gotten better and better, as the years go by. Certainly, I had a setback when I had the accident, but my arm healed up faster than the surgeon could believe. Why? because I know what the body needs to heal.

I can teach all of that to you. Just give me your best shot :)
Looking forward to helping you with your health concerns.


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