
Showing posts from March, 2024

Are You Ingesting Heavy Metals??

  Iron "filings" used in the food industry,  instead of organic iron from a plant?  Yep, that's a thing!   Gluten may be popular to blame for health issues like leaky gut   but  iron filings are the real culprit. The shocking truth....Cooking in an iron skillet...that is not the form of iron your body can use. Consider that as you cook, your metal utensils scratch the surface of the skillet....where does that iron go that you just scratched off???? your food???  Hmmmm, food for thought ;) Stop ingesting heavy metals...heal your gut, heal your brain, heal your body!!! Check out this YouTube video with Dr Thomas E Levy, MD (the Vitamin C guy)

Cramping, Spasms and Tremors have one thing in common...

...Lack of electron exchange. Electrons are made up of many different organic minerals which come from food, converted in the body and combined with water, they hydrate the body. Dehydration is lack of minerals and / or water or both. If you don’t replenish the minerals that are consistently being depleted by physical, mental or emotional activity, your body is becoming depleted and the body has to steal the materials it needs to open the “gate”, from your bones to keep the heart pumping, the muscles contracting, the neurons firing in the brain, the endocrine, respiratory and digestive systems working. When the bones run low on minerals (i.e.osteopenia then osteoporosis) the body’s other processes suffer and cramping etc start happening. The cure is not a banana or magnesium etc lol, that is temporary. The solution lies in the digestion. That’s it in a nutshell If you want to learn more or start to reverse aging, please schedule an online live virtual teledoc appointment or a phone cal...