How Does Acupuncture Work: Mystery or NOT?
How does Acupuncture work? It is not really such a mystery if you use common sense. I will explain it the way I see it, so it is easy for the lay person to comprehend how it works. This is not quoted from a book, it is what I put together for my patients and makes perfect sense. I believe at some point acupuncture will consider my view and eventually prove my explanation ;) Imagine a pool of ocean water (that is rich in mineral nutrients). If you placed a metal rod at one end of the pool and another metal rod at the other end of the pool. You attached an electrical current to the first rod. You could imagine that the electrical current would travel down the rod, into the water and the mineral rich water would conduct like the electrolyte fluid in your body to reach the other rod (minerals are like magnets with positive and negative charges, and placed next to each other conduct or propel the current by flipping the next mineral over and the next creati...