Papaya / Banana Pudding - Good for the Gut (and so much more) !

Even as health therapist, we can run into health issues. Recently, I had been having some digestive issues and I have been trying all the things I could think of to no avail. I knew I was missing something so being a good Chinese Medical Therapist, I sought out another Chinese Medical Therapist who just happen to also be a food therapy geek, like me, and told me about his Papaya and Banana smoothie. I went home and blended up 1/2 of large papaya (with the seeds) and a whole banana in my 3 HP Blender which made a nice pudding. BTW, you DO want to eat this on an empty stomach, you do not want to blend it until it is warm or it might damage the enzymes. Blend just enough to make it creamy and break up the seeds a bit. Also do not add or drink water with or after. This Papaya seeds are a bit spicy so only add a few if "spicy" is not your thing...I used most of the seeds and loved the spicy kick. Also the seeds have so many benefits you HAVE to include some :) You can always learn...